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Sol-Ark Limitless Power
  • Sol-Ark Limitless Power

    Sol-Ark 12K All-In-One Solar Generator System 


    • DC Transformerless:
      Boosts PV energy 10-20% without increasing PV array size and reduces storage inverter costs up to 30%
    • Battery Efficiency:
      Improve battery efficiency by 10-15%; Partial Charge Carbon AGM’s round trip efficiency is 98% vs. wet cell 80%
    • Easy to Install:
      The Sol-Ark 12k Outdoor Case is a pre-wired system that contains the inverter, charge controller, and more, all in one package; no fuses, breakers, or combiner boxes necessary! With minimal additional hardware required, your install stays simple and low-cost. With 2x MPPTs, and 9kW continuous / 20kW peak inverter, a user friendly wiring area, and remote monitoring built in.


    Technical Features:

    • Transformerless inverter
    • Pure sine wave
    • 120/240/208V
    • Grid-tie, off-grid, or hybrid applications (can be with or without batteries)
    • Wide variety or 48V battery chemistries, from lead to lithium
    • Simultaneously manages power to battery, loads, and grid (max 9.6 kW to AC loads/grid)
    • 12 kW solar PV continuous power
    • 9.6 kW Inverter AC continuous power on-grid (8 kW off-grid)
    • 8kW Inverter DC continuous power
    • Expandable (up to 72 kw)
    • Highly efficient (96.5% PV to AC efficiency means less solar required)
    • Max allowed PV power: 13,000 Watts. 


    For more information visit the spec sheet of all different inverter Sol-Ark: 


    Spec Sheet Sol-Ark 8K Latam 

    Spec Sheet Sol-Ark 12K 

    Spec Sheet Sol-Ark 15K

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